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We've completed our yearlong print-a-day project!
All new material is now at Hacktastic: www.mathgrrl.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 282 - Must print all the Pokemon

Can you print just two Pokemon models for a 9-year-old? No. Two is not enough. You must print many, many Pokemon and then also print a full set for a friend's birthday. Today we are joined by FLOWALISTIK's Low-Poly Squirtle and Low-Poly Totodile models from Thingiverse. I'm really impressed with all four of these models. They are each designed to print perfectly without support and utilise extremely efficient choices of low-poly faces. Great design work by FLOWALISTIK, just please don't make me print any more of these right now.

Thingiverse link for (blue) Squirtle: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:319413
Thingiverse link for (red) Totodile: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:341719

Settings: Replicator 2 on .3mm/low, as usual.