Welcome to MakerHome

We've completed our yearlong print-a-day project!
All new material is now at Hacktastic: www.mathgrrl.com

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 262 - Customizable Furniture Minis

Today our Customizable Furniture Minis set is finally done and posted to Thingiverse! I guess it's time to actually start packing now...

Settings: All models printed on a Replicator 2 with .3mm/low resolution, with no support and no raft. 

Technical notes: For discussions of the OpenSCAD code used to make these models, see the MakerHome posts from the last couple of weeks. In addition you can see the version of the OpenSCAD code that is built to work with the Thingiverse Customizer by viewing the code from within the Customizer. For learn how to change your own OpenSCAD code into something for the Customizer, see MakerBot's helpful Best Practices and Developer Documentation pages. It's an easy process that mostly involves passing commands to the Customizer through comments in your OpenSCAD code.