Thingiverse link:
Settings: MakerWare custom profile to get a base and 2-layer sides but no top, in just a couple of minutes. Details on the profile are below.
Technical notes, Tinkercad flavor: The new "Extrusion" Shape Generator allows you to change the outline of a cylinder with a four-anchor Bezier curve. This is the first time it has been possible in Tinkercad to stretch a shape around by anchors and their tangent lines! Perhaps in the future we can get more handles and/or the ability to do this right on the workplane, add or remove handles, etc etc. This is a great step in the right direction for Tinkercad. Tinkercad also added a Ring Shape Generator and three types of Text, as they explain in this blog post.
Technical notes, MakerWare custom profile flavor: To get a solid base and just two layers around the outside of the shape, we started with the "Low PLA" profile in MakerWare and changed the following lines in the profile:
"doRaft": false,
"infillDensity": 0,
"roofThickness_disabled": 0,
"roofLayerCount": 0,
"floorThickness": 1.1,