STL file:
Thingiverse link:
Settings: MakerWare .2mm/standard in about 90 minutes, with no raft and no supports, one one piece. In the Customizer settings below, 1.5mm is the smallest that I could make hinge_radius before things got unreliable. However, hinge_clearance could safely be reduced if a stiffer model was desired.
snub = yesFun fact: The picture below shows what it means to "design to fail". To make the Customizable Print-In-Place Fidget Cube we went through a lot of iterations of testing, re-testing, and failure.
cube_height = 20
stacking_clearance = .3
hinge_radius = 1.5
hinge_clearance = .5
UPDATE: The Print-In-Place Fidget Cube was Featured on Thingiverse today! Thank you, Thingiverse!