Welcome to MakerHome

We've completed our yearlong print-a-day project!
All new material is now at Hacktastic: www.mathgrrl.com

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 10 - Going fishing

Up until now I tried to design a completely new object or at least modify/remix an existing design each day, but today my design time was spent learning OpenSCAD so today's print is just a set of things that are good to give as a small gift for someone who likes to fish: two Fishing Lures from sirmakesalot on Thingiverse and a Holey Coin-Op Bottle Opener from Day 7 of this blog.  Big bonus when you're out on the water: The bottle opener *floats* !!

STL file: http://www.geekhaus.com/makerhome/day10_goingfishing.stl
Tinkercad link: https://tinkercad.com/things/4m9AaqvCEXV-day-10-going-fishing
Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/make:46365

Settings: The lures printed well "mouth down".  The three-piece lure printed without support or raft, but the popper lure needed a raft and supports at the base because it lay at an angle.