Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 180 - Diamond Borromean

Same as Day 179 but with diamonds instead of ellipses! This version of the Borromean rings has more limited mobility but that restricted movement makes it naturally sit on your desk in a beautiful star shape:

STL file, horizontal diamond:
STL file, vertical diamond:
STL file, all together:
Thingiverse link:

Settings: MakerWare .3mm/low with no raft or support for the first two pieces, and both raft and support for the vertical piece. The vertical piece is oriented in such a way to need to support on its interior, while forcing support in a small area at its base for stability.

Technical notes: Using the ellipse function and tubify module from Day 179, uncomment the code below to get the type of model you want (single diamonds or all together).

// Borromean diamonds - all together

// set faces

// make the three rings
rotate([0,0,0]) rotate([56.6,56.6,0])
color("red") tubify(r=3,step=90,end=360);
rotate([0,0,120]) rotate([56.6,56.6,0])
color("yellow") tubify(r=3,step=90,end=360);
rotate([0,0,240]) rotate([56.6,56.6,0])
color("blue") tubify(r=3,step=90,end=360);

// Borromean diamonds - do one at a time and then assemble

// set faces

// diamond ring
// print two of these
scale(1.3) tubify(r=3.5,step=90,end=360);

// diamond ring
// print two of these
// scale(1.3) rotate([35,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) tubify(r=3.5,step=90,end=360);