Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 158 - One hundred fidget cubes

Actually, it's 105, counting the ones that are printing in the background. We've been making these all week; they print fairly reliably in batches of a dozen. We need to make 400 of these by mid-March for a set of conference giveaways.

STL file:
Thingiverse link:

Settings: MakerWare .2mm/standard with no raft and no support (this layer height and settings are required for the hinges and clearances to work correctly). Each batch of 12 takes a bit over four hours to print.

Technical notes: Here are the customizer settings that make this model. (This is just like the tiny example model from Day 148 except with hinge_clearance increased to 0.5.)
cube_height = 10
hinge_radius = 1.5
snub = yes
stacking_clearance = .3
hinge_clearance = .5