Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 95 - Kinematics bracelet #2

Yesterday's bracelet was so great that we decided to print another one today, again from Nervous System's Kinematics@home site.

STL file: (but go make your own instead of using this one!)
Thingiverse link:

Settings: MakerWare .2mm/standard, since the bracelets from Kinematics are optimized for that layer height.

Technical notes: The clasp in this bracelet design needs work; it's a bit clunky and results in a double-layer section of the bracelet. I'm hoping that this is something they will fix in the future.

Stuff you might want to change: Tinkercad has trouble opening the .stl file from Kinematics. However I bet that some remeshing in Meshlab could get the .stl file into a form that Tinkercad could understand, and then the hinge could be improved directly in Tinkercad however you like.